Puch Maxi Cylinders Old or New model

Check the difference in Puch maxi cylinders right here, explained with pictures.
Looking for a new cylinder for your Puch Maxi, often you'll see "old model" or "new model". What is the difference? In theory you can mount both cylinders on each Puch Maxi engine block, the only difference is the shape of the cooling fins, a new model cylinder is a little wider than the older model. Keep in mind that you use the right cylinder head, the is a difference in the cylinder heads, these are interchangeable, but to make it have a nice connection a new model cylinder needs a new model cylinder head offcourse, and with an old type of course vice versa. New model is often called NT in thee webshop and Old model OT.
Picture of a new model head;
Picture of an old model head;
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