Kreidler – Pistons

Kreidler engines are known as solid, indestructible but they are not. Especially if you consider the age of the average-Kreidler moped its not surprising if there is a piston that needs replacement. Fortunately at JMPB parts you can choose from at least 30 different pistons for different Kreidler engines. P> Read More
Kreidler engines are known as solid, indestructible but they are not. Especially if you consider the age of the average-Kreidler moped its not surprising if there is a piston that needs replacement. Fortunately at JMPB parts you can choose from at least 30 different pistons for different Kreidler engines. P>
JMPB parts we have quality highly valued. In our shop you will therefore only find pistons of known manufacturers or of reliable aftermarket suppliers where we and our customers have good experiences with. We deliver for example pistons of Athena, a leading brand when it comes to producing rapid 50CC cylinders, but also the 70CC versions. We deliver this not only for Kreidler but for Zundapp, Puch and Piaggio p>.
and KTT-Meteor pistons are on the shelves of our shop and can thus be quickly delivered. Meteor has been manufacturing since 1952 for engine pistons and mopeds. Absolute quality, and are often available in several sizes tolerance. Finally, we have even adapted several piston models Voskamp cylinders. So plenty of choice to provide the engine of your Kreidler a new piston. Do you have a question? Let us know, we are happy to help you the best advice. P>