Tomos accessories, merchandise, clothing

JMPB parts we don't only sell moped parts as well as all kinds of accessories, check these out. P> Read More
JMPB parts we don't only sell moped parts as well as all kinds of accessories, check these out. P>
Popular our beanies and caps of Kini, which also further supports the Wingsforlife foundation. When buying a beanie or cap Kini, part of the proceeds goes to the English Foundation, which does research on paralysis resulting from damage to the spine. The foundation was set up by and motocross world champion Heinz Kinigadner. The son of Kinigadner paralyzed after an accident. P>
In addition to the accessories of Kini in the shop you will also find Tomos keychains and even Tomos workshop manual for the A3. Also a nice Twin Air beanie or a cotton helmet hat are available p>