Moped brake hoses | Many sizes

Brake parts for classic mopeds
You probably already know JMPB as a supplier of parts for classic mopeds. These are often original parts for special brands and types where a special fit or assembly is required, but we are also great in supplying universal parts. These parts apply to mopeds of different brands, so you do not need to keep track of item numbers and that type of business.
Brake hoses, Brake discs and more
For your brakes, we provide several flexible, multi-length steel brake hoses. To ensure a safe assembly, you can order loose banjo´s and banjo bolts. Also, brake discs and brake handles are available in stock so you can get your parts fast! With JMPB's Parts, keep your moped's brakes in top condition. Can´t find something? The assortment is expanded regularly so keep an eye on this page. Or let us know what you are looking for, maybe we may be of service to you.